No Account?Just email us admin@beds4cyclists.com include all relevant information and contact details and we will get you listed.
We usually upload events onto the website within 24 hours, so even if your event is quite soon, we can still help publisise it.
We will endeavour to include all information included within the text, however space is at a premium so try to give as much information as possible in “Teaser” so our users will click onto your website to find more information, rather than trying to “Get it all in one”
We do include the cost of the event but not payment details such as how to pay, those details we leave for you to clearly display that information on your own website, for those who require it.
If you just want to update your event information, simply email the information to us and we will take care of it for you.
Of course if we see spelling and grammar mistakes we will correct them, and amend any listings if needed, and inform you if any changes need to be made, before publication on the Beds4Cyclists.com website.
Please remember that if you have any problems trying to list your event, please send an email to admin@beds4cyclists.com
Please email the following information about your event:
Name of event
Details of Event
Venue address:
Booking: tel:
facebook group (please include the full active hyperlink (URL))
Does you cycle club need a link, email your club details to admin@beds4cyclists.com and we will place your club onto our pages.